Dream A Little Dream

Do you dream? 

I’m not talking about the kind of dreams where you’re flying through the clouds like you’re Superman; or where you realize you’re walking around your school or office without any clothes on; or where you’re being chased through a vast cornfield by a machete-wielding psychopath intent on liberating your head from your spinal column; or maybe one of those where you’re riding a majestic twelve-foot tall purple unicorn with a rainbow tail who farts little clouds of the most amazing cotton candy you’ve ever had as you walk through the Gumdrop Forest (mental note…there might be potential in that last one…).  No, I’m talking about taking the time to dream about what your life could be. To dream about the things you could do?  To imagine your wildest fantasies about the life you could live?

Today, we’re going to talk about dreaming big.

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Selflessly Selfish

I’ve decided to take a new approach to my outlook on life for 2024.  Following an emotionally, spiritually, and physically taxing month of December, I am starting off the new year on a less-than-optimal level.  I would daresay that I am borderline burned out.  My wife may argue and say that I am well-beyond borderline, but with no official diagnosis, I’ll just go with how I feel.  And I currently feel run down and a shell of my usual self.

While I haven’t been one to make resolutions for the past few years, I’ve decided to make a bold and, for me, challenging one for the new year.  This year, I aim to be more selfish.

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October Fun

One year ago today, my beautiful wife and I made a (very) long drive some 440 km back home from our aborted anniversary getaway weekend in Cape Breton. We had driven the same 440 km to Cape Breton the day before. A stomach bug got the best of the missus that day, and I was soon to follow after we got back home. We spent a miserable 72 or so hours for our 11th anniversary. That was when we decided we would book this year’s anniversary getaway on the spot. Booked and paid for a year in advance. Now we get to have some fun glamping.

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Hot Hot Heat

It may be an unpopular opinion, but I am not a huge fan of summer. We of the larger persuasion tend to run a little on the hot side on the best of days; when we hit those dog days of summer, it can get downright unbearable. Let’s talk about this summer and how I’m handling the omnipresent heat and humidity. Spoiler – not well.

(editor’s note: Apologies for the rambling that is occurring in this post. That’s the heat and lack of sleep hitting me when I wrote it!)

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An Intentional Summer part 2

I recently wrote a blog post where I discussed how I was taking a page from my wife’s playbook and setting myself some intentions for this summer. Rather than have a checklist of things that I feel like I need to do, I am giving myself the gift of simplicity for the summer.

My first intention was to watch old, classic movies, which I’ve been doing for a few weeks now. Intention number two? Disney-fy my summer.

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Love of Reading

Shortly before our trip to Walt Disney World earlier this spring, I observed that I had not been doing much reading for a little while. As someone who has been an avid reader most of his life, it was, at first, a bit troubling to me to notice this. My first instinct was to just pick up one of the multiple books that I had “in progress”, but this was a futile activity. No sooner would I sit down to read, I would find myself drowsing off to sleep. I could not bring myself to focus long enough to get through more than a couple of pages without nodding off.

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